Monday, July 26, 2010

Tutespark 1

I am new to this whole blogging thing, so bare with me while I work this shizniz out.

In this blog I will be telling you about my experiences from my class, New Communication Technologies. It will include weekly class tasks, summaries from the lectures and anything I find interesting, entertaining and at least have some relevance to this here class (most probably won't, which I apologise for in advance). All riveting stuff.

So the first task, discuss:
What makes new technology, such as a television, old technology?

The new age technology is classified as anything that makes a person's job easier. Personally I do not think the television is old technology, I think the type of television you have, depends on what classification it comes under. It is the frequent update of, mobile phones and computers which determines whether it is new or old. Take the flat screen tv, a few years ago it was the rage, it was considered the new it thing to have, now due to the release of the 3D television, it is considered old technology. The same with computers, they were considered a revolutionary invention, possibly a form of technology that may put books to extinction, due to the easy access of information around the world via the tv's internet. However, come this day and age and the olden day computer is virtually unseen and the ipad is all the craze. Another example would be letters, instead of writing and posting a letter, the new way to get your information/news across would be via email, a quick and easy way of communicating.