Monday, August 2, 2010

I'm In Love With Aldous Snow

Week 2: Cine-Speak

Ok so this week's lecture and tute focused on the old camera shots. These being:
  • VLS/WS: Very Long Shot/Wide Shot
  • LS: Long Shot
  • MLS: Medium Long Shot
  • MS: Mid Shot
  • MCU: Medium Close Up
  • CU: Close Up
  • BCU: Big Close Up
  • ECU: Extreme Close up

For these shots to be shown in more clear way, I will get some examples from the film "Get Him To The Greek". Which I recommend you seeing as it is highly entertaining and Russell Brand is, as my best friend would say, some fine totty.

Well first shot and I've already failed. This obviously has nothing to do with Get Him To the Greek, but we can all pretend like it does. A VLS/WS normally has the whole character in a small proportion of the frame. Since this is the case we cannot tell if it is in fact hobbits or an alcoholic/drug addicted, washed up rockstar. We can dream and pretend it's an alcoholic/ drug addicted washed up little hobbit band; where Gandalf is escorting them to Mount Doom, to perform a sell out gig for many an orc. We shall name this picture, "Get Him To Mount Doom"

A long shot has the main character/s in the frame and shows where the action is taking place.

These are the most common shot, since they have the right balance between the surroundings and character/s . These shots normally frame the figure from the knees up.

This shot frames the character/s from the waist up. Gesture and expression are more visible. Aaron:"Remember that big favour I did for you?" Aldous:"Oh you mean the heroin."

The Medium Close up frames the body from the chest up.
"I need you to put this into your bottom-hole."

This shows just the head, hands, feet or a small object and normally shows the emotion of the character. Frightful.

Again, I have ultimately failed at trying to get all shots from one movie. But the next two pictures are from kick-ass movies too. So the Big Close Up shot reveals more of a character, their actions and what they are thinking/feeling. We all know we don't need to see this picture to know that the Joker was one fucked-up fella.

This shot normally emphasises one feature of the face, normally eyes or lips, or magnifies/isolates an object. "Taters? What's Taters ay?" I think that is the least of Gollum's worries at the moment.