Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Three Short Films

This first short film is titled 'Strangers'. It is about two dudes on a train who kinda get trapped by a gang of men. Not a massive fan of silent movies, but I liked it. It's probably the first silent movie that has kept me engage and that for me is a quality in itself.

The second movie is called 'My Name Is Lisa'. It is a touching story of a child who's mother has Alzheimer's disease. I can see why it won an award. It really shows the emotion of what the child goes through everyday.

The final short film is titles 'Still Life'. I would say it is quite a weird film, but again I liked it. It's about a man who drives through this town and gets distracted and runs over a man. He then realises the towns people are mannequins. The man goes a little crazy (I would too if I was seeing mannequins) and starts beating them with a baseball bat. The twist ending is pretty shocking. An eery but great film which leaves you with the question...WTF was he on??