Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Shots Into Questions

When watching a film the viewer generally needs to get the answer to 6 simple questions to get the gist of a story. Those being: Who? What? When? Where? Why? & How? Therefore, every shot must serve a purpose.

Here I am going to link up each shot with each question with an example from a movie.

This is often answered by the Close Up Shot. This is because it shows the character in more detail.

This is Pam, she's not someone you'd want to meet in a dark alley.

The Mid Shot shows the subject performing an action, therefore it answers the 'what' question.

Ahh, a scene from the Hangover. Alan is quite a hoot.

The 'when' question is a lot harder to answer due to the fact that time is hard to capture on screen. Generally the Wide Shot and the Close Up can answer the 'when' question.

Avatar, nuff said.

The Long Shot answers the 'where' question.

Another scene from True Blood. This is one of Bill Compton & Sookie Stackhouse.

Again the 'why' question is hard to capture on screen. It is normally shown through the Big Close Up as this reveals more of the character and their actions.

Again, it's Billy.

To answer the 'how' question and to explain an event, a serious of Close Ups or one single Medium Close Up is used.

What a fine looking chap. I'm not sure if this actually explains an event, but I liked the picture. Weirdo I know.